Welcome to our survey on the topic of activism within the queer community - attitudes and engagement!

This survey is open to everyone who:

  • identifies in any way as within the LGBTQIA* or queer umbrella. 


  • is above 18 years of age. 

This survey was created by Lina Jacob Carande, Msc (62002271@mail.sfu.ac.at) and Univ. -Prof. Dr. Meike Watzlawik (meike.watzlawik@sfu-berlin.de) in the context of a PhD project affiliated with Sigmund Freud University Vienna.

With this study, we want to investigate how people within the LGBTQIA* umbrella feel about activism and if / how they engage in it. 

Questions will touch on your sexual and gender identity, your views on activistic behaviours and approaches as well as your own political involvement. 

Your participation is voluntary. 

If you decide to participate, you are free to end your participation at any time without penalty. You will create an individual participant code at the start of this survey. If you end your participation during the completion of the survey OR if you change your mind after completing the survey you can email us to remove your data within seven days after completion. 

Any data you provide for this survey will be treated as strictly confidential.

All analysis of data will be done without names or emails. Your survey answers will never be associated with your IP address. Any written description of research findings will only use pseudonyms and overly identifying references (e.g. mention of queer scenes in small towns, criminalised activity) may be additionally anonymised at the discretion of the researchers.

If you provide your email address at the end and agree to be contacted for future steps of the study your email will be stored on a separate server from your data and will not be linkable to your answers. 

Legal basis for data processing

Your personal data will be processed according to the terms of the declaration of consent for SFU's legitimate interest exclusively (Art 6 Paragraph 1 point f and Art 9 Paragraph 2 point j GDPR).

From the time of pseudonymization, the personal data will be processed in accordance with Section 7 paragraph 1 Z 3 of the DPA, Section 2d paragraph 2 Z 1, and Section 2d paragraph 5 of the FOG.

General legal principles for the processing of personal data in scientific research can be found in the General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act, and the Research Organization Act in the currently applicable version.

Data controller

Your data is collected for research projects conducted by Sigmund Freud Private University, Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, as the data controller. Contact: datenschutz@sfu.ac.at.

Your rights

You have the fundamental rights to information, correction, elimination, restriction, data portability, and objection. You can assert these rights against the data controller.

The conditions as in Art. 89 paragraph 1 of the GDPR, make the rights as mentioned above, partially applicable insofar the achievements of scientific research. The same rights are suspended as soon as pseudonymization is enforced (as soon as the researcher can no longer lawfully identify the participant). As stated in Art.77 of the GDPR, if you deem data processing is violating data protection laws or your privacy rights have otherwise been infringed, you can file a complaint to the competent supervisory authority.

Austrian data protection authority: dsb@dsb.gv.at